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IT Services > Telephone Systems

Telephone Systems


A single web interface to manage internal and external communication across multiple channels

Securing your company digitally

Providing the very best Telecoms systems



Real-time communication

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Online access

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Entirely web-based

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How can we improve your telephone systems?

We take the time to understand how your business works so that we can manage all of your IT, making recommendations on ways you can improve, protecting your business and leaving you to get on with what you’re good at.

Antar can supply, install and manage all of your IT needs whether on-premise or in the Cloud, including; Support, Helpdesk, Microsoft Solutions, Cyber Security, Hardware, Software, Telephony and much more.

Ensuring stability and ease with our user friendly systems

Wildix Unified Communications & Collaboration solution ensures the best user experience by providing you with one single web interface to manage internal & external communication across multiple channels including:

Unifying communication tasks allows you to streamline daily operations, boost workplace productivity, increase employee engagement and improve the customer service. Unified Communications optimize the business processes, reduce travel costs, with the use of videoconference, and – due to the mobility feature – ensure the availability of employees anytime, anyplace.

Our Services
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IT Support

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Email Security

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Proactive Monitoring

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Hardware Solutions

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